Immanuel Praise Fellowship
Bishop Kelvin & Prophetess La Quetta Simmons
"Healing Generations One Family at a Time"
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Immanuel Praise Fellowship
Immanuel Praise Fellowship (IPF), a ministry called by God to preach and teach the saving, delivering, and healing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Immanuel Praise Fellowship believes and teaches salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. (Romans 10:9-11)
IPF will demonstrate her faith in Jesus, by teaching and participating in the Holy Sacraments of Baptism by immersion and taking the Holy Communion. Baptism by immersion symbolizes the inner change of the heart “spiritually”. (Regeneration). Also, Baptism displays the new believer obedience to the spirit of God by following the example of Jesus, who was baptized by immersion Himself. (Matthew 3:13-17)
Finally, Romans 6:1-4 teaches that believers are baptized into the death of Christ, baptized into the burial of Christ and just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father into the newness of life, so are the baptized believer.
IPF will minister to men, women, and families that are broken and looking to be restored by the teaching of the word of God in a thorough and simple manner. The family is the first institution God ordained on earth and the most important institution that evil tried, and continues to try to destroy. Following the Holy Spirit, IPF will provide a ministry that receives and restore men, invite and nurture women, teach and protect children, and most of all, edify the family to the glory of God.
IPF will make all feel welcome by simplifying the Word of God, through the teaching of the Bible without comprising God’s Word. IPF will assist people in having a relationship with Jesus, by making Jesus accessible through prayer, worship, teaching, and living. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Many people, some of our family members and friends, don’t have a relationship with Jesus because they were never introduced to Him. Also, they do not worship and serve with any local body of believers, (church), because worshiping, serving, and living for God has been made too complicated. IPF under the guidance of the Holy Spirit will keep the teaching of the Bible (The Inerrant Word of God) simple without comprising God’s Word so people will establish a loving relationship with Jesus. Ephesians (2:8.)
IPF will evangelize (present) the saving, delivering, and healing power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ first to Jerusalem, (current personal, professional, and casual relationships). Secondly, IPF will evangelize to Samaria, Judea, (outside of aforementioned relationships). Finally, IPF will share the Gospel to the end of the earth, witnessing and serving abroad. Acts 1:8
IPF will make disciples by teaching the forgiving and redeeming power of God (1 John 1:9), and help people understand that believers are not condemned by God when they sin, (Romans 8:1a) but are forgiven and strengthened by the Holy Spirit to live Christ-like by submitting to the leadership of God.
The Name
The name Immanuel Praise Fellowship was inspired by the Spirit of God. Immanuel (“God with us.”) was taken from the Holy Scriptures, Matthew 1:23. Praise was taken from Psalms 7:17, “I will praise the Lord according to His righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High. Fellowship was inspired by 1 Corinthians 1:9 “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Immanuel Praise Fellowship, worship experience will reflect God’s people recognizing the presence of God, by praising Him for His faithfulness.
The Foundation
Immanuel Praise Fellowship will build her foundation on Jesus the Christ, (Matthew 16:18) the study of the Holy Scriptures, (2nd Timothy 2:15), (Acts 17:10-12), (Hosea 4:6a), and Prayer, (Philippians 4:6-7), (1st Thessalonians 5:17) (James 5:13-16).
IPF will grow her ministry by her faith in God and the exercising of her faith, teaching the principle of the Laws of the Harvest through Tithes, Offering, and seed planting. (Malachi 3:8-10), (Luke 6:38), (2nd Corinthians 9:6-9).
IPF will faithfully merge generations together, emphasizing respecting and honoring elders by children and young adults. Also, IPF will teach and mentor children, youth and young adults, focusing on God, family, education, and social enrichment.